Sunday, January 25, 2009


*ME and MY CrAzY but FuNnY (loving) MOM !*
*GiRlS jUsT wAnT tO hAvE fUn*

It’s Sunday and it is rest day... So what has everyone been up to... me nothing besides practice and cant wait to get back into basketball again this week! But I just wanted to say hi to all and tell everyone to keep bloging...(trev)...cuz I just love reading everyone’s blogs!

So in like 2 weeks basketball is sad! :( Region is the 11-13 and state is the following week! :( But I will be glad to have practice over with!

I still will have boy’s basketball to look forward to when mine is over with.yipee... :)
Well I am out of here... TTYL! Please don't kill me mom! lol
Love ya lots

Saturday, January 24, 2009

*HeY eVeRyOnE*

Getting down to business

What are you thinking girls???

Hi everyone... so today I went over to my OLD brothers birthday party and it was a good one.
So this past week I had NO basketball games what so ever and it was bad... it was a hard week going all week practicing and not playing a basketball game... this week we have 2 games... Bryce Valley on Wednesday and Valley on Friday!
I just can’t wait to play in them!

So last night the boys had a game against Piute and it was a very good game. To bad it came down to the line in over time and they lost... so sad. What do we know... foul shots win ball games...right guys! (trev)

Bye for now... I am going to go watch the Jazz take on the Cavilers... and speaking of Jazz my mom got tickets for her and my dad to go and they have the box ones... how jealous... I wish I could go... I am the baby you know... spoiled... lol NOT! You will all have to ask her about them...! TTYL love you bye!

Monday, January 19, 2009

*WhAt HaS eVeRyOnE bEeN dOiNg?*

What has everyone been up to? Nothing much going on here... I am just getting songs for my Ipod!... basketball ones to listen to when we warm up!lol
This week we have no games... :( how sad... and it really is because that means a whole week of practice..grrr...but we do have TWO boys games... and they are HOME... SWEET! Basketball has been going great... and it is way fun!
Since today is a holiday I think when my mom gets home from getting her hair done we are going to go to Richfield... I hope we do... it will give me something to do!

Wednesday night we played Milford and Freshies, JV, and Varsity came out with a win... a big win! Then we played Piute and JV won and Varsity played hard in the first half and they came out with a lose.

I just found out I am going to Richfield so catch ya later... LOVE whit!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

*Hi EvErYoNe*

Hi everyone sorry I haven’t blogged for a while... I have just been so busy with everything and it is hard to sit down for a sec and write a few words.
So Friday and Saturday we had a ball game with Bryce Valley on Friday and Dixie on Saturday! Lets just say we came out with a win... and it felt so good to beat Bryce Valley on there home floor... they had not been beat on there home floor this year... and we did it so watch out here comes WAYNE*... GIRLS*! Then after our game on Saturday with Dixie we went over to Escalante to watch the boy’s play... and sry to say they didn’t come home with a victory... I know sad but I think they will get them next time on our home floor...Right Trev... :)
This Thursday we have a home game here with Panguitch. And I can’t wait to play them... and I wish they had a freshmen team...:( bummer. So yep yep that is what I have been up to!
So I will keep you all posted and filled in on how my games are going, but for now peace out! :)
Love you all... :)
Love *WhIt*