*ME and MY CrAzY but FuNnY (loving) MOM !*
*GiRlS jUsT wAnT tO hAvE fUn*
It’s Sunday and it is rest day... So what has everyone been up to... me nothing besides practice and cant wait to get back into basketball again this week! But I just wanted to say hi to all and tell everyone to keep bloging...(trev)...cuz I just love reading everyone’s blogs!
So in like 2 weeks basketball is over...how sad! :( Region is the 11-13 and state is the following week! :( But I will be glad to have practice over with!
I still will have boy’s basketball to look forward to when mine is over with.yipee... :)
Well I am out of here... TTYL! Please don't kill me mom! lol
Love ya lots