Monday, February 16, 2009

*LaSt WeEk Of BaSkEtBaLl*

Haylee Jen, Darci, Haley R., & ME!

Darci and I

Darci and I

So it is my last week of basketball... today is my last practice... how sad... and tomorrow we travel to Monticello to play them for a playoff game. I hope we win so we can go to state! So last week was region it was fun. as you can see all my pics in the slide show... there was HaYlEe JeN, HaLeY R., DaRcI, and I in a room...freshmen party! Thinking about it come next year this time i will me a sophomore...looking at becoming a high school career is almost over... :( I can't even believe that... holy cow!...then off to big old college!

So what is everyone been up to? CHELSIE, HEATHER, JONI, & DANIELLE???? I hope you all had wonderful VaLeNtInEs DaY! Thinking about it Easter will soon be here...then the *SuMmEr*! :)

Well I guess I better get off I have practice at 6:00pm...that is really how late are we going to go...8:00... so toots for now...

<3=(love) <3*wHiT*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

*BaSkEtBaLl iS aLmOsT oVeR*

So basketball is almost sad...but glad! It has been a fun & great year...this week is region at Cedar City and then next week is state at Richfield! Yesterday we had a freshman tourney We won 1 of the 3 games... we played North Sevier's freshmen and sophomore teams and Gunnison. So yesterday in my games I got a big hurts really bad...but like my mom says suck it up buttercup! I don’t know what i will do with myself after basketball!...hopefully stay in

So a big hats off to TrEvOr... it is his 16th BiRtHdAy this week on the 11th! Watch out people he is driving and believe me I have seen him drive and he is a bit scary!...(not)Roses are red Violets are blue You’re turning 16 and i can SMELL YOU...LOL...spoiled...sry I just had to... but

HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY to all! And have a good week...hopefully your loved one will give you some chocolate and flowers...! Hint hint DAD!
Quote of the day:
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

Well love to all and see ya soon...
Love *WhIt*

Sunday, February 1, 2009

*SuPeR bOwL SuNdAy*

Go Cardinals!

This sweet pic with my dad and mom with me right there! love it!
It's SuPeR BoWl SuNdAy! Go Cardinals! (Wanting the underdogs to win!) So today we are going over to the Southwick's house in might be interesting in a long time no see, but it will be fun.
Football is like one of my favorite sports to those big boys hitting each other...! So if I were a boy I think I would be playing running back that is...
So basketball is going great and it is fun... I am sad it is almost over though... I know one thing I will not miss practice! This last week we played Bryce Valley and Valley... lets just say BV wasn't the best game... and Valley was great!
Last night the boys played Escalante and the outcome isn't so hot... they lost by 12...and I might add they did better this time. Trevor did really well! I am proud of him he made all of his free throws....100% :)!
I better get off now and go get ready for the day! So cheer loud for the Cardinals... So for now totalu for now! Love you all... love *WhIt*